Public Information
The internet provides a lot of information but much of it is of questionable quality. Below we provide some reliable links which will provide you with accurate information on infection. We hope this will be of help to the public, patients and their families. We welcome feedback and this can be done via our contact page.
Patient information factsheets for C. difficile, ESBL, MRSA and VRE are available at the HPSC Healthcare-associated infections public information website. Factsheets for CRE, hepatitis, Lyme disease, Measles and influenza are all located at the Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC) website here.
For more comprehensive information, the HPSC has an A-Z index of subjects
The Centers for Disease Control in the US also has an A-Z index of health information
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control also provides links to various public health topics and an A-Z of diseases
A good source of Irish vaccination information is the HSE’s immunisation website
National Notifiable Disease Hub provides a weekly summary of Irish notifiable diseases.
The Respiratory Virus Notification Data Hub provides a weekly summary of Irish epidemiogical data for Covid-19, influenza and RSV.
For those travelling abroad, the Tropical Medicine Bureau gives travel advice and provides information on recommended vaccinations and malaria prevention. The CDC also provides country by country travel advice.
Challenges in antimicrobial resistance were highlighted in an Irish Independent supplement: